With the practicality and aesthetic minimalism typical of handle-free kitchens, Thea enables the design of both Wet and Show kitchens. This well-defined concept is in line with the trend that sees the kitchen divided into two distinct yet complementary zones: the former with focus on work, the latter more for socialising and conceived for the living area.
Thea interprets a versatile project, using comfortable rational architecture to create an extremely liveable setting, proving just how perfectly it manages to separate the functional part or Wet kitchen, from the socialising area or Show kitchen. The wall in NTF black ash, with built-in coplanar door from the new Frame System, is both storage and walk through, a filter that hides the functional kitchen, a separate zone conceived as a highly efficient workplace. It also provides an elegant wood panelled backdrop that flatters the island in the middle of the room. Relations and rapport rotate around the island for socialising, characterised by the original design of its Waterfall worktop and Canto snack bar, in dialogue with the double Madia featuring interiors in NTF fossil oak.